Depression Treatment & Counselling

People who are depressed feel overwhelming sadness or hopelessness. Their day to day functioning can be affected as can their quality of life. Some of the signs of depression may include:


  • Lack of motivation
  • Inability to engage in normal activities
  • Less ability to think and concentrate
  • Loss of pleasure and enjoyment
  • Withdrawal and lack of desire to interact with others
  • Depressed mood or irritability
  • Changes in appetite (either increased or decreased)
  • Low energy levels or fatigue
  • Feeling worthless or helpless
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Increased drug or alcohol usage


These symptoms are often dangerous if left untreated. As such, depression support is crucial to remedy them. At the Heath Group Practice, we have a comprehensive range of depression treatment and depression counselling services on offer.
Contact us to discuss how a depression treatment can help you or someone close to you who is suffering from depression. Call on (02) 93285551, or fill in our online contact form.